
The world we live in is not black and white. For any decision - particularly in education - there are circumstances to consider, and pros and cons to weigh. I believe it is important to listen to as many opinions as possible prior to making decisions, and I’m not arrogant enough to think that I know the best solutions for everyone.

Additionally, I believe candidates should be transparent with their opinions on controversial issues - beyond the typical cliche answers. That’s why you’ll find my honest thoughts here when it comes to some of those topics.

Preparing Students for the Future

To me, this is the most important issue facing Mesa Public Schools. Even with incredible industry growth in Mesa, I’ve seen too many high school seniors still unsure of what they want to do after graduation. It’s clear that these students need more than simple knowledge of reading and math in order to be successful. They need an understanding of the careers available in today’s workforce, and the skills needed to earn these jobs. That’s why I support Career and College Readiness programs that give students the ability to find and hone the talents they are interested in. This includes supporting Career Technical Education (CTE) programming, extracurricular activities, clubs, and mentoring opportunities. By focusing on this, we will prepare students for fulfilling careers here in Mesa.

Parental Representation

While board decisions directly impact Mesa Public Schools families, few recent members have been parents of current MPS students. In 2024, I support candidates who, like me, have a vested interest in public education and are currently raising children within Mesa Public Schools.

School Funding

In 2023 I supported the school bond and override for Mesa Public Schools. Because Arizona ranks 48th in spending per pupil, it has fallen to the district to find its own solutions. This means that every 5-7 years, Mesa voters must approve a continuance of the existing budget override just to maintain current spending levels for programs and staff. Similarly, Mesa has many outdated school facilities requiring repairs which need to be funded through school bonds. However, the board must be strategic in its spending. I will critically examine the current budget to get the most out of every dollar spent, while exploring community partnerships that can bring funding and/or support to the classroom.

Critical Race Theory

This is a misleading topic because CRT, as it’s known, is a college-level class that’s isn’t part of public school curriculum in Mesa - and I don’t believe it should be. But when some people talk about CRT, they’re not talking opposing nuanced studies on race. They’re talking about ignoring regrettable parts of American and world history entirely - such as slavery, racism, and discriminatory policies. I do not support that, either. Ignoring our mistakes risks us repeating them. That’s why I believe in historical curriculum that is based on well-established facts, and that the adoption of ANY curriculum requires reasonable, transparent and open conversations between the district, parents, community, and teachers.

Transgender Rights

I support the rights of every student in their personal journey of self-discovery. No organization should regulate what a person believes, nor how they see themselves. Reasonable accommodations should be considered to help all students feel supported on campus and able to focus on their studies. We should work to keep all schools free from bullying and harassment. Also, before any logistical changes are made to school policy or facilities, clear and open dialogue with parents, students and teachers must take place. I support solutions that carefully weigh the opinions of the community, and which protect the freedoms of our children.