About Josh

My name is Josh Chilton and I am running for one of three open seats on the Mesa Public Schools Governing Board in 2024. I’ve never run for office before, and I don’t plan on running for another position in the future. When it comes down to it, I’m just a dad who wants to provide the best opportunities and growth for his child and her fellow MPS students. With my background in community outreach and project management, I believe I have the skills and determination to make a difference in MPS.

Personal Background

After graduating from Arizona State University, I’ve been a resident of West Mesa since 2007. My wife, Kerrin, and I married in 2010 and have one daughter currently in Mesa Public Schools. In addition to community activities I’ve done through my work, I’ve supported many local organizations. For eight years, I’ve served on the Logistics Committee for the American Heart Association’s Phoenix Heart Walk, helping it grow to be one of the largest in the Valley.  I’ve also been a “Big” with Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and a mentor with Girls on the Run. Along with my family, we remain active in our church. I enjoy traveling, sports, and learning new skills.

Professional Background

Though I’ve held many titles, my professional role has been as a Project Manager. My specialty is to take on challenges and find effective and cost-efficient solutions that satisfy the most stakeholders. Whether that has been through facilitating community events as the Promotion Director for several Phoenix-area radio stations, or in coordinating fundraisers for school and church organizations through my time at Goodwill, I have a history of working with people of all backgrounds to achieve common goals.

Since 2018, I have served as the Community Outreach Coordinator for the Office of the Maricopa County School Superintendent. This role has allowed me to provide free resources and professional development to classrooms in 58 county school districts. Among the projects I’m most proud of are an annual backpack drive, creating a STEM Resource Center that provides free makerspace materials for teachers, and assisting Arizona OnTrack in 2022 which provided free summer camps for more than 100,000 students statewide.

Why Run for School Board?

It’s my work with schools that has inspired me to run for the Governing Board in Mesa. I’ve had the opportunity to speak with parents, teachers, and principals from around the county and hear their concerns. Too often, board members take office with inflexible opinions on policies that they want to enact for the district. I believe that I can bring an open mind to conversations around public education.

Like many, I’ve been frustrated by the political agendas and lack of civil discourse at school board meetings. Our students’ education should not be put at risk by those who solely seek political success. That’s why this is the first, and only, elected position that I intend to run for. My only interest is in the education of Mesa Public School students. My hope is that by the time my daughter graduates high school, I will have been able help her, and thousands of others, through my efforts on the MPS Governing Board.