Listen First, Then Decide.

Too often, public school boards become divided by political agendas and distrust. We need board members who can work together with open minds to support parents, teachers - and most importantly students.

For nearly six years, I’ve performed community outreach for the Office of the Maricopa County School Superintendent, visiting all 58 school districts and listening to parents, teachers and principals. Recognizing their needs, I’ve helped to distribute thousands of donated items directly into classrooms and promoted programs to prepare students for careers after school.

As a proud Mesa Public Schools parent, I don’t believe that the interests of parents and teachers are mutually exclusive. With an emphasis on wise spending and measurable results, I intend to listen to all opinions and make the best decisions for our students.

If you are tired of those with political agendas trying to disrupt public education to win political points, then please support Josh Chilton for Mesa Public Schools